Citizenship in America: A Country’s “Priceless Treasure” under Siege

Read the full report here.


  • From the onset of the war on terror, there has been a slippage of constitutional rights for citizens.

  • The degradation of rights includes rights of citizenship and rights to citizenship.

  • The courts have offered some remedy, but the impact has been neither comprehensive enough nor timely enough.

  • The slippery slope of eroding citizenship rights is a challenge to democracy itself.

  • The current degradation of citizenship, and the protections it provides, threatens to reduce everyone—not just non-citizens, or those whose citizenship has been revoked—to a state of civic abandonment.

  • This report is part of “Citizenship and Its Discontents: The Struggle for Rights, Pluralism, and Inclusion in the Middle East,” a TCF project supported by the Henry Luce Foundation.

Karen Greenberg